Ragumuffin Vibes

Reggae Artist Stuart Wilson on the Beach in the Cayman Islands
It was not long after I had come off the road from touring Thailand and I was talking to my Brethren Tarrus Riley, who also happens to be one of my favorite artists.
He had mentioned a place in St. Annes called fire water. I later found out that this place was the birth place of Marcus Garvey and went there to explore.
While there I realized there was something very special about this part of Jamaica and upon entering the ‘fire water’, which gets its name because of the natural sulfur that comes out of the springs that is then set on fire, I knew the place had healing powers.
As I turned to leave, I bumped in to a woman named Naya. She explained that she had come from Kingston to ‘wash off the City Vibes ‘ and we laughed.
A few weeks later I was in Kingston and ran into her again. She told me how much she enjoyed seeing me at the fire water and explained that she loved my music, which she had been listening to since returning to Town. She explained how music in general makes her feels like she is one the richest people in the world, despite being surrounded by less than favorable circumstances.
I left that encounter thinking to myself how important it is to create sonic experiences that inspire people. I had a deeper understanding of how music can heal and how necessary sound is to the material world coming into being.
Creation/this universe is a symphony!
I decided to write a songs about this experience called Kingston Town (Part 2).
The track is not currently available for sale but as a THANK YOU for being one of my subscribers I want to give it to you for free – no strings attached.
If you like the track, you might also consider checking out Reggae Renaissance. It’s my latest album and it’s some of my best work yet!
Talk soon,
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